Bent-over row alternative

Bent-over row alternative

Barbell bent-over rows are a great exercise to build the mid back and the lats but there are exercises out there that hit the muscles better and help with a better pump and stimulus. In this article, we will go over the best bent-over row alternative to help you build a thick and vascular back.

Bent-over barbell row alternatives

  1. Pendlay rows
  2. Seated Cable rows
  3. Dumbbell rows
  4. T-bar rows
  5. Chest-supported rows
  6. Seal rows
  7. Incline dumbbell rows

Pendlay rows

The pendlay row is a great alternative to the bent over row since the weight is on the ground rather than hovering above the ground. This variation is less taxing as it does not require you to stabilize and hold the weight above the ground for a long period of time.

bent-over row alternative

How to do Pendlay rows

  • Hinge from the hips and grab the bar as you do in a conventional deadlift
  • Pull the bar upwards towards your chest without bending the knees

Pro tip: Be explosive in barbell movements.

Seated cable rows

The seated cable row is a great exercise to target the mid back and the lats. You can change emphasis on which part of the back you are targeting by using different handles and grips. The seated cable row is a great exercise if you have trouble with your lower back and barbell bent-over rows are just too much for you.

barbell row alternative cable rows

How to do Seated cable rows

  • Use a cable station and a wide grip bar
  • Set the cable height to the bottom
  • Sit down and pull the cable towards your lower chest
  • Hold for a second and let go of it slowly

Pro tip: Use different handles if you want to target different parts of the back. Use a V-bar if you want to target the Mid-back. Use a Lat pulldown bar if you want to target the upper back.

Dumbbell rows

Dumbbell rows are a great exercise to target the upper back and the lats especially if it is done separately for each side. In the dumbbell rows, you can get more range of motion along with better mind-muscle connection since it allows you to pull further up than the barbell. This exercise should be a staple for your back routine regardless.

dumbbell rows bent-over rows alternative

How to do Dumbbell rows

  • Take a staggered stance and hinge from the hips
  • Grab the dumbbell with a pronated grip
  • Pull the dumbbell towards your obliques

Pro tip: Be explosive with this movement and use heavier dumbbells. Use straps to get a better mind-muscle connection to the back.

T-bar Rows

T-bar rows are an excellent exercise to target the lats and upper back and are a great bent-over row alternative. This exercise is best for putting on thickness to the upper back.

How to do T-bar rows

  • Use a landmine and a V-bar attachment
  • Hinge from the hips and grab the bar
  • Lift the weight to your chest
  • Hold at the top and let go of it slowly

Pro tip: Use plates less in diameter to get more range of motion through the lift.

Chest supported rows

Chest-supported rows remove the factor of balance and stabilize the weight making it a great way to understand and feel how the contraction feels and get a sweet pump. This exercise primarily targets the lats.

How to do chest-supported rows

  • Set the seat height till your chest is resting on the pad
  • Grab the handles with a pronated grip or palms facing each other
  • Pull the weight and hold for a second before letting go of it slowly

Pro tip: You can adjust seat height to hit different parts of the back. You can also use straps to reduce bicep activation.

Seal rows

The seal row primarily targets the lats. This exercise also removes the factor of stabilizing the weight and can allow you to feel greater contraction and build a pair of wings. Overall this exercise is a great barbell row alternative.

How to do seal rows

  • Set up a flat bench on an elevated platform
  • Grab the bar and pull towards your lower chest
  • Hold for a second before letting go of it slowly

Pro tip: If you have a bench that has a thicker base use dumbbells instead of barbells.

Incline dumbbell rows

Incline dumbbell rows are a great barbell bent-over row alternative since they remove the factor of stability just like the chest-supported rows. This exercise targets the lats the the mid back.

How to do incline dumbbell rows

  • Set the bench on a 30-degree incline
  • Lay face down on the bench and grab a dumbbell in each hand
  • Pull the dumbbells towards the side of your body
  • Hold for a second before letting go of it slowly

Pro tip: Use straps to reduce bicep activation.

Final verdict on bent-over row alternatives

Bent over rows is a great exercise to build a thick and vascular back but it is not the only exercise that can do that. You will need more than bent over rows to build a huge back. Horizontal rows and isolation work for the back is necessary to build a huge back.

FAQs on barbell bent-over rows

Q1. What muscles do the barbell bent over rows work?

Ans. Barbell bent over rows primarily works the lats, rhomboids and lower traps. It also engages the bicep, forearms and rear delts.

Q2. Do I need to do bent-over rows to grow my back?

Ans. No, you do not need to do bent-over rows to grow your back. Just like we mentioned before there are many exercises which can help grow your back.


Mathew Lakra

Mathew is a professional powerlifter who competes in the 120kg+ weight class. He has won first place in a national meet and is a promising athlete.

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